Monitoring and evaluating a project, programme or scheme is valuable for understanding what is working well and where improvements are needed. Beyond Logic Consulting can call upon experience from evaluating a wide range of projects from small training programmes to major infrastructure schemes. In all cases, Behavioural Science is used to dig into the visible and invisible impacts, and enable recommendations which encompass both these dimensions. One of the tools used for any evaluation project is a Logic Chain (sometimes called a Theory of Change) with an example shown below. This example is based on evaluating investment in cycling with the aim of increasing cycling and improving the physical and mental wellbeing of local people. The Logic Chain was used to help define quantifiable ways of measuring what was done and what was achieved.
CASE STUDY: Greener Together Evaluation, 2023 Greener Together is a Partnership project which aims to help local people to develop green skills for life and work that will lead to greener spaces, places, and futures in Calderdale. Beyond Logic Consulting was commissioned by Newground Together to evaluate the Greener Together programme and identify lessons learnt and recommendations for future projects. Behavioural Science was applied in the evaluation process and specifically in the use of Logic Chains to provide a framework for assessing the actions taken and how they contributed to the desired outcomes.