Beyond Logic Consulting was set up by Tony Duckenfield, former Head of Insight at leading transport consultants Steer and Head of Analytics at integrated digital marketing company Sambecketts, in order to apply behavioural science to help change behaviour. Behavioural science is all about looking at the evidence on what works and why, and applying the lessons obtained can improve the impact of programmes, interventions and communications. In the current climate emergency and obesity crises behavioural science can help by enhancing measures aimed at encouraging people to behave in a more active and sustainable manner.
Why "Beyond Logic?"
Applying logic can only get you so far: the real world is driven as much by emotions as rationality. Beyond Logic Consulting understands this and applies lessons from the field of behavioural science to arrive at evidence based solutions which appeal to both our emotional and practical sides. As Rory Sutherland put it: There are often two reasons behind people’s behaviour: the ostensibly logical reason, and the real reason
As shown by the likes of Cass Sunstein, Richard Thaler, Daniel Kahneman, Don Ariely and others, how people actually behave can be quite at odds with how it is commonly thought that people makes decisions ( see Behavioural Science 101). This can lead to unexpected outcomes like the 2007 credit crunch and subsequent Great Recession. The lessons from behavioural science apply as much to everyday small decisions which can be ‘nudged’, as major decisions made by international corporations and national governments.
WHY NUDGE? An evaluation of 126 RCTs (randomised control trials) showed that, on average, interventions involving nudge techniques were 33.5% more effective than those which did not. (source: NBER Working Paper no. 27594, July 2020)
When Nudging is not enough A Nudge only works in certain circumstances and to a certain degree - if there are ingrained habits or social norms to overcome a more comprehensive strategy and sometimes a 'shove' is needed. This is often the case when trying to change travel behaviour such as Walking & cycling more, using car less, or switching to an electric vehicle. This is illustrated by the Travel Behaviour Change Mountain.
Beyond Logic Consulting has valuable experience of applying behavioural science across a range of situations, with six specific areas of expertise.